• Meet Camilla and her husband, Dylan, the masterminds behind Naturallow. Camilla, a 27-year-old skincare enthusiast with an unwavering passion for the wonders of natural ingredients, found herself captivated by their magic. While trying various products, Dylan introduced her to an astonishing revelation: tallow, a time-tested natural skincare element. Witnessing the remarkable potential of tallow, Camilla felt compelled to share this revelation with everyone.

    This pivotal moment ignited a concept - crafting accessible and effective tallow-based skincare. Thus, Naturallow emerged into existence, with the power couple paving its way. Their journey began during their time as college sweethearts at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Armed with their education and aided by their exceptionally intelligent scientific peers, they embarked on a mission to revolutionize skincare.

    By combining rigorous scientific principles with the goodness of natural components, Naturallow strives to establish an unparalleled standard in skincare. Their core belief is in the simplicity, affordability, and efficacy of superior skincare. They extend a warm invitation to all to join them at Naturallow and partake in this exhilarating odyssey. With unwavering certainty, they are poised to disrupt the skincare realm, and they express their elation that you are here to accompany them on this remarkable venture.

  • A headshot photo of a blonde female who is smiling and wearing a white, button-up shirt.

    Camilla Sexton


  • A headshot photo of a brunette male who is smiling and wearing a brown, button-up shirt with white designs on it.

    Dylan Sexton
